It’s Tuesday! That means NSCoder Night Seattle at the soon-to-be-renamed Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop. Bring a project. Have a coffee :)

Reminder! It’s Xcoders holidays fun tonight. No meeting — straight to Cyclops. Starts at 6:30 pm, but some folks will arrive earlier, and it’s okay to show up at 8 pm or whenever.

Tim is collecting for Carmen tonight, too. (Participation is optional, of course!)

Xcoders Holidays Social-Only Meeting: Cyclops, Thursday, Dec. 12

Instead of a meeting with talks, this Thursday, Dec. 12, we’re doing a social-only meeting for the holidays, so we can all hang out and enjoy each other’s company.

It starts at 6 pm at the Cyclops in Belltown.

It’s been a big year for Xcoders! We had our 15th anniversary a couple months ago. If you came out for that, you should come out for this. And if you missed the anniversary, you should come out for this. :)

It’s NSCoder Night Seattle tonight! Like every Tuesday night, it’s at the (soon-to-be-renamed) Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE). From 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. Come hang out with humans — we think you’ll find it’s delightful. :)

NSCoder Night Seattle is tonight! Like every Tuesday night, it’s at the (soon-to-be-renamed) Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE). From 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. Be ready to help people and get help. It’s fun and good for you. :)

NSCoder Night Seattle is tonight! Like every Tuesday night. It’s at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. Come ready to help people. :)

It’s NSCoder Night Seattle tonight! It’s every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. Also! Bonus! Hal has very cool Xcoders stickers (courtesy of Olof) to give away. :)

Reminder! Seattle Xcoders meets tonight.

Learn from Nat Irons about Kubernetes — including, hopefully, how to pronounce it; listen to Jeff Watkins apologize for how terribly and utterly wrong he was. (We’re not sure what about, exactly, but we’re keen to find out.)

Tonight is NSCoder Night Seattle! It’s every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. :)

Also note that tonight you can vote for Wayward’s new name! Choose from your favorite of the five finalists.

NSCoder Night Seattle is tonight! It’s every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. Be ready to help people, or get help, or both. And maybe consider decaf, because, you know, it’s late for caffeine. :)

It’s NSCoder Night Seattle! It takes place every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm. Put it on your calendar. Make it repeat weekly.

Bring a laptop and a project. That’s it. :)

Tonight is NSCoder Night Seattle! It’s every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. Don’t forget: actually seeing people and having conversations is healthy. :)

There is no official Seattle Xcoders meeting this week — but there’s an unofficial one. We just go to the Cyclops around 6:30 pm (Thursday, Oct. 24) and hang out and chat. All are welcome! Look for us in the back, in the restaurant section.

It’s NSCoder Night Seattle! It’s every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm. Add it to your calendar.

Bring a laptop with a working keyboard and a project. The project doesn’t have to be working. :)

Tonight is NSCoder Night Seattle! It’s every Tuesday night at Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE) from 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project. And be glad that you’re getting out and seeing people. It‘s a Good Thing. :)

Seattle Xcoders unofficial is this Thursday (Sep. 26) at the Cyclops, starting around 6:30 pm.

No meeting — we just hang out in the back, in the restaurant section. Talking. Look for the people who look like they’ve been testing with iOS 13 betas. :)

It’s your regular Tuesday night NSCoder Night Seattle! At Wayward Coffeehouse (6411 Roosevelt Way NE), 7 to 10 pm.

Bring a laptop and a project, or just bring you. Everyone will be so glad to see you. :)